Ishido Shizufumi Sensei
Iaido Hanshi 8th dan, Jodo Kyoshi 8th dan
Dear Iaidoka and Jodoka, 24 – 28 July 2025 in Eindhoven, the Dutch Kendo Renmei will be hosting its Summer Seminar of Jodo and Iaido. We are happy that after 2 years we can organise our summer seminar again!
Also we are extremely honoured that this years’s seminar will be led by Ishido Shizufumi Sensei himself who will be supported by a delegation of high-ranked instructors from Japan, including his son Ishido Kotaro, and a number of European sensei.
As in the previous years each part of the seminar takes 2.5 days, including gradings from ikkyu to and including godan.
The seminar is an open event. So foreign budoka are very welcome to participate.
We hope to see many of you back in Eindhoven!
Best regards on behalf of the NKR.
The Organising Committee
Jodo program
Day 1: Thursday 24
09:00 – 10:00 Dojo open & registration
10:00 – 13:00 Opening Seminar
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 17:00 Seminar
Day 2: Friday 25
09:00 – 10:00 Dojo open & registration
10:00 – 13:00 Seminar
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 17:00 Seminar
Dag 3: Saturday 26
09:00 – 10:00 Dojo open & registration
10:00 – 12:00 Seminar
12.00 – 13.00 Gradings
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
Times are estimates and subject to change.
Jodo delegation members
Otake Toshiyuki Jodo Hanshi 8th dan,
Ishido Shizufumi Jodo Kyoshi 8th dan,
Shoji Keiichi Jodo Kyoshi 8th dan,
Ishido Kotaro Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
Inari Yoko Jodo 4th dan.
European jodo instructors
Rene van Amersfoort Jodo Kyoshi 8th dan,
Louis Vitalis Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
Takao Momiyama Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
André Schiebroek Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
Edwin de Wit Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
Aad van de Wijngaart Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
Andy Watson Jodo Kyoshi 7th dan,
Jodo seminar fee
The costs of participation in the seminar depend on whether you participate in only jodo or both jodo and iaido as well as on the time and method of payment. To avoid long waiting times upon arrival at the sports hall, we advise you to pay in advanced by bank or bank transfer. [IBAN NL42 INGB 0003 2231 56 BICcode: INGBNL2A tnv Nederlandse Kendo Renmei Rotterdam quoting zomerIaido-Jodo2025]. Payment upon registration is preferred, please select payment method upon registration
If you wish to participate in only the jodo seminar € 130.00
just the jodo seminar for 0.5 day € 30.00
just the jodo seminar for 1 day € 50.00
just the jodo seminar for 2 days € 100.00
If you wish to participate in both the jodo and iaido seminars: € 230.00
Uninvited teachers 7th dan in their discipline do not pay seminar fee and also not for lunch. So pay attention to that when registering. For the Sayonara the fee must be paid.
Iaido program
Day 1: Saturday 26
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch/registration
14:00 – 17:00 seminar
19.30 Sayonara party till xxxx at the restaurant Indoor Sports Centrum
Day 2: Sunday 27
09:00 – 10:00 Dojo open & registration
10:00 – 13.00 Opening Seminar
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 Seminar
15.30 – 17.00 Gradings – ikkyu to godan
Dag 3: Monday 28
09.00 – 10.00 Dojo open & registration
13.00 – 14.00 Lunchbreak
14.00 – 17.00 Seminar
17.00 Sluiting Seminar
Times are estimates and subject to change.
Each day the hall will be open from 09.00 till 18.00 hrs
Iaido delegation members
Ishido Shizufumi Iaido Hanshi 8th dan,
Matsuoka Yoshitaka Iaido Kyoshi 8th dan
Kazuki Morishima Iaido Kyoshi 8th dan,
Otake Toshiyuki Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Shoji Keiichi Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Ishido Kotaro Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Inari Yuko iaido Renshi 7th dan,
Igarashi Keiji Iaido Renshi 6th dan
European iaido instructors
Aad van de Wijngaart Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Rene van Amersfoort Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Patrick Demuynck Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Takao Momiyama Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
André Schiebroek Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Andy Watson Iaido Kyoshi 7th dan,
Iaido seminar fee
The costs of participation in the seminar depend on whether you participate in only jodo or both jodo and iaido as well as on the time and method of payment. To avoid long waiting times upon arrival at the sports hall, we advise you to pay in advanced by bank or bank transfer. [IBAN NL42 INGB 0003 2231 56 BICcode: INGBNL2A tnv Nederlandse Kendo Renmei Rotterdam quoting zomerIaido-Jodo2023]
If you wish to participate in only the jodo seminar € 130.00
just the jodo seminar for 0.5 day € 30.00
just the jodo seminar for 1 day € 50.00
just the jodo seminar for 2 days € 100.00
If you wish to participate in both the jodo and iaido seminars: € 230.00
Uninvited teachers 7th dan in their discipline do not pay seminar fee and also not for lunch. So pay attention to that when registering. For the Sayonara the fee must be paid.
Registration [OPEN]
(Note 3 options, only Jodo, only Iaido or the entire seminar)
Click here to register only for Jodo,Iaido
Important information for non NKR members, pertaining gradings below!
(You do not need to become a member/user for NKR events, unless stated otherwise.)
Registration for the 2025 event will close on Friday 18 Juli at 18:00 CET.
Lunch packs
To avoid long waiting lines during lunch break, it is possible to order your lunch in advance.
This pre-ordered lunch pack (lupa1) costs € 10.00 per lunch.
Pack consist of; One soft brown bread ( lettuce etc., egg salad, tuna or lettuce cheese), One soft luxe bread (chicken or cheese), Current bun, Apple or Pear, Muesli bar, Can of apple juice or orange juice and (lupa2) costs € 15.75 Like above and homemade soup,
Sayonara party
On Saturday evening we will be hosting a sayonara party, including a diskjockey. Starting time 19.30 hrs. To lower the threshold, this year’s lacation will be a familiar place, the restaurant of at the Indoor Sport Center Eindhoven.
We’ll offer a glass of bubbles to start with, followed by a buffet (both vegetarian, fish, meat) and dessert for € 25.00.
Drinks as soft drinks, beer, wine, coffee, tea are not included, price will be € 2.60 per glass extra bubels € 3.50. A coin system is used, Beer, Soft Drinks, Coffee and Tea 1 coin, Wine and special 1.5 coins, mixed drinks 2 coins..
For other alcoholic beverages, such as whisky, rum, gin, jenever and foreign spirits, you will hear the prices at the bar
Important information pertaining gradings
Please note that the process of registration for the gradings has changed. International participants are required to:
(1) register for their grading with the EKF – this should be done through the EKF contact for your country;
(2) register with us for payment.
We will receive a list on international candidates from the EKF, being on that list will imply permission from your federation and we will thus not require a separate document of proof.
For NKR members it’s enough to register with the form linked below
Register for the Jodo grading
Register for the Iaido grading
Application fee (be paid in advance) | Registration fee (to be paid in the hall upon passing) |
Ikkyu € 10.00 | Ikkyu € 15.00 |
Shodan € 15.00 | Shodan € 20.00 |
Nidan € 20.00 | Nidan € 30.00 |
Sandan € 30.00 | Sandan € 50.00 |
Yondan € 50.00 | Yondan € 70.00 |
Godan € 70.00 | Godan € 100.00 |
( For 1st dan and above, check whether your date of birth and EKF number has been entered.)
This year’s Summer seminar will be held at the sports accommodation Indoor Sport Centrum Eindhoven.
Address: Theo Koomenlaan 1, 5644 HZ Eindhoven
Phone: +31-(0)40
You can park your car in the underground parking next at the Indoor Sports Centrum (ISC) for free.
For public transport consult the website https://9292.nl/en/ wich give you detailed travel advice from door to door for the whole of the Netherlands.
We recommend the Van Der Valk hotel Eindhoven. This hotel is at a 10-minute walking distance from the Indoor Sportcentrum Eindhoven
and also the place where the Japanese delegation will be staying.
Adres: Aalsterweg 322 5644 RL Eindhoven, Tel: Tel: 040-211 6033
For bookings you can send a mail the following emailaddress: eindhoven@valk.com
There are a number of rooms available with discount code, code EIN-GF173337.
18 2 person rooms incl breakfast, dinner and tourist tax with a rate of € 206.00 for the period 23/07 till 29/07, (p/night)
24 3 person rooms incl breakfast, dinner and tourist tax with a rate of € 261.50 for the period 23/07 till 29/07. (p/night)
Buffet dinner in a separate room.
Note: the individual prices in euros per person are dinner 34.00, breakfast, tourist tax 3.50 for the room of 2 or 3 persons plus 95.00. The tourist tax can be 1.00 more expensive, that depends on the municipality. The total sum is then respectively for 2 persons 206.00 and for 3 persons 261.50, or 208.00/263.50
You can compare room rates through a site like Trivago.nl or Booking.com.