Confidential Person


When? Who? How?

Members, trainers, coaches, supervisors and members of committees of the NKR can turn to the VCP when there are problems or abuses and/or there is verbal, non-verbal or sexually transgressive behavior or the suspicion thereof (bullying, being bullied , discrimination based on skin colour, religion or sexual preference, physical border crossings or suspicion thereof and abuse of power).

You can therefore go there with questions that you do not easily ask or that you are afraid will not be answered seriously. In principle, the questions will be treated confidentially.

The activities of the VCP are the responsibility of the board. So when there is a report, the VCP reports this anonymously to the board, unless this is not possible for certain reasons, then anonymity will be lifted after consultation with the reporter. Experience shows that members are sometimes hesitant to report or ask for advice because they fear that it will be made very big. It is precisely the intention of the VCP to keep it small and to solve problems at the earliest possible stage.

The VCP is not there for differences of opinion about technical policy as conducted by trainers, coaches, for committees and board, for problems about team compositions or problems about decisions of the Board or Members’ Meeting.

If a report does belong to the VCP, there are several options available: telephone or oral advice or a conversation. Based on the findings, the VCP will form an opinion and the data subject will be informed about possible next steps and about the (external) authorities that the data subject can turn to for the various next steps. Consultations can take place with the Confidential Advisor of the NOC NSF.

The confidential advisers of the NKR are:

Marije Wouters
Telefoon: 06-19628999

Always leave a message if I don’t answer and I’ll be back as soon as possible.
If you want to tell your story completely anonymously, you can do so via a chat:
If you want to know more about safety in sports or want help in a different way, you can contact:

Centrum Veilige Sport
0900 2025590

Do you need urgent contact i.v.m. sexual violence, you can contact:
Centrum Seksueel Geweld
0800 0188            (also with chat function)